First and foremost chess should be fun! This is the ethos of Ojays, the Oxfordshire Junior Squad Chess Club. We currently meet weekly in person, during term time, to develop young chess players in preparation for county tournaments and individual competitions.

Junior 4NCL 2017-18

16 Dec 2017

There were 3 Oxfordshire junior ("Ojays") teams at the first Junior 4NCL weekend at the end of September. The Ojays A team won division 2.

For weekend 2 (on 20-21 January 2018), it is likely that Ojays will again enter 3 Ojays teams in division 2, but if there are any other stronger juniors who would like to play, please let me know. In particular, it would be good to be able to field a team in division 1 too. I do make a charge to cover expenses and towards my time in managing and coaching the teams. Please ask me for further details if you are interested.

Andrew Varney