First and foremost chess should be fun! This is the ethos of Ojays, the Oxfordshire Junior Squad Chess Club. We currently meet weekly in person, during term time, to develop young chess players in preparation for county tournaments and individual competitions.

UKCC Terafinalists 2024

The finals of the UK Schools Chess Championships (UKCC) were held at Blenheim Palace on the weekend of 12/13 October 2024. Known as the Terafinal, this is the elite junior chess event of the year and is played in five sections: U8, U10, U12, U14 & U18.

Thousands of players compete in the Megafinals (typically counties or cities) to qualify for the Gigafinals (Northern, Southern & Scottish). Only 60 players, 12 in each age category, across the whole of the UK qualify for the Terafinal itself so this is a huge achievement for these young players.

Congratulations to our Ojays who took part in this prestigious event: